Onduline Roofing Sheets (6'8"x3'2")

Onduline is a tough flexible, but lightweight roofing sheet manufactured from bitumen saturated organic fibres. Available in two environmentally sensitive colours Onduline gives an attractive finish and long life at an economic price, BBA Approved.

Ideal replacement for corrugated, asbestos or felt pitched roofs.
Suitable for coastal or corrosive environments Onduline roofing withstands high wind forces.
Onduline roofing sheets are ideal for renovating old buildings especially where the roof timbers are old and uneven.
At only 6.3kg per sheet Onduline sheets are lightweight. It puts minimum stress on roof timbers.
It is therefore ideal for lightweight pitched roof structures and for oversheeting deteriorating corrugated roofing and damaged mineral felt roofs coverings.
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